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원하는대로 쏙쏙 뽑아 읽기- GRIT

ChatGPT에게 던졌던 수많은 질문 중 하나가 읽고 싶었으나 평소에 못 읽었던 책 줄거리를 뽑아오라는 것이었다. 그 줄거리로 내용을 먼저 파악하고 거기서 더 전체 내용을 읽고 싶으면 책을 사서 읽으면 되고 아니면 그냥 줄거리로 큰 맥락을 파악하는걸로 만족하자 하는게 내 심정이었다.


'독서가 몸에 베인 사람'을 굉장히 부러워만 하는 나 이기에 줄거리라도 읽자 하는 부분이 컸다. 특히나 외국어로 된 책은 첫 몇장 넘기는게 힘들 정도이니 큰 맥락이라도 이해 할 수 있음 좋겠다 싶었다. 자기 개발/계발에 관심은 많기에 다들 추천하는 GRIT에 대해 알아보기로 했다. 


줄거리 및 주요내용을 불렛포인트를 이용해 정리해달라고 한 후, 줄거리 중에 부모와 자녀 사이에서도 'grit'을 이용할 수 있는 내용이 있기에 그 부분에 대해 자세히 설명해달라고 했다.



Could you please provide a summary of the book 'Grit' by Duckworth, including its key points and emphasizing them with bullet points?


Sure! Here's a summary of "Grit" by Angela Duckworth:


  • The author, Angela Duckworth, defines "grit" as a combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals.

  • She argues that grit is a better predictor of success than talent or intelligence alone, and that anyone can develop grit with the right mindset and practices.

Chapter 1: What Grit Is and Why It Matters

  • Duckworth explains that grit involves working hard towards a goal, maintaining effort and interest over time, and bouncing back from setbacks.

  • She emphasizes that grit is not just about being passionate, but also about pursuing that passion with sustained effort.

  • Duckworth cites research showing that grit predicts success in a variety of domains, including academics, sports, and business.

Chapter 2: Growing Grit from the Inside Out

  • Duckworth argues that grit can be developed through a combination of four psychological assets: interest, practice, purpose, and hope.
  • Interest involves finding something you're passionate about and pursuing it with curiosity and enthusiasm.

  • Practice involves deliberate, focused practice aimed at improving specific skills or abilities.

  • Purpose involves having a sense of meaning and direction in your life, and using your passions and skills to contribute to something larger than yourself.

  • Hope involves maintaining optimism and resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks.

Chapter 3: Growing Grit from the Outside In

  • Duckworth argues that grit can also be developed through the support and guidance of others, such as parents, coaches, and mentors.

  • She emphasizes the importance of having supportive relationships, as well as challenging experiences that push you outside your comfort zone and help you develop new skills and abilities.

  • Duckworth also notes that external factors like culture and environment can affect the development of grit.

Chapter 4: Parents, Teachers, and Coaches: Where Grit Begins

  • Duckworth discusses the role of parents, teachers, and coaches in fostering grit in children and young adults.

  • She argues that adults can help children develop grit by providing support, setting high expectations, and fostering a growth mindset (i.e., the belief that abilities can be developed through hard work).

  • Duckworth also notes that adults can inadvertently undermine grit by overprotecting children, praising innate talent over effort, or setting unrealistic expectations.

Chapter 5: A Culture of Grit

  • Duckworth argues that a culture of grit can be created through shared values and practices that emphasize hard work, perseverance, and resilience.

  • She notes that cultures that value grit tend to be more successful in a variety of domains, such as education, business, and sports.

  • Duckworth also emphasizes that creating a culture of grit requires a collective effort, involving individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

  • Duckworth summarizes the key points of the book, emphasizing that grit is a combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals.

  • She notes that grit can be developed through a combination of internal psychological assets and external support and guidance.

  • Duckworth argues that developing grit is not just about achieving individual success, but also about contributing to something larger than oneself and making a positive impact on the world.

Overall, "Grit" emphasizes the importance of hard work, perseverance, and resilience in achieving long-term goals. By developing grit, individuals can increase their chances of success in a variety of domains, and contribute to a culture that values hard work and resilience.


Midjourney로 타자 몇번에 얻어낸 그림



Could you tell me more about applying 'grit' in the relationship between parents and children?

Certainly! Here are some ways that parents can apply the concept of grit in their relationships with their children:

  1. Encourage a growth mindset: Help your child develop a growth mindset by emphasizing the importance of effort and hard work in achieving their goals. Encourage them to take on challenges and view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.

  2. Set high expectations: Set high but realistic expectations for your child, and communicate your belief in their ability to meet those expectations. Help them set goals and work towards them with persistence and determination.

  3. Provide support and guidance: Offer your child support and guidance as they work towards their goals. Be there to listen to their concerns, offer advice and feedback, and provide resources and opportunities to help them succeed.

  4. Foster resilience: Help your child develop resilience by teaching them coping strategies for dealing with setbacks and failures. Encourage them to bounce back from challenges and continue working towards their goals, even in the face of adversity.

  5. Cultivate a sense of purpose: Help your child develop a sense of purpose by encouraging them to explore their passions and interests, and finding ways for them to use those passions to make a positive impact on the world.

  6. Celebrate progress: Celebrate your child's progress and accomplishments, no matter how small. This will help them develop a sense of pride and motivation, and reinforce the idea that hard work and perseverance pay off in the long run.

Overall, applying the concept of grit in the parent-child relationship involves emphasizing the importance of hard work, perseverance, and resilience, and providing support and guidance to help children develop those qualities. By helping children develop grit, parents can empower them to achieve their goals and contribute to a better future for themselves and society as a whole.


이런 질문을 허용하는게 '저작권' 문제로 언제까지 이용 가능할지는 미지수이다. 그러나 허용이 제한없이 된다면, '발췌독'으로서의 효용력은 무한할 듯 보인다. 큰 마음 먹고 책 전체를 볼게 아니라면 방구석에서 이렇게 타자 몇번에 원하는 내용을 얻을 수 있으니 말이다. 물론 그 책이 널리 알려져서 인터넷 상에 많은 자료가 이미 퍼져있어야 하는 책이라는 전제가 있다만,


이 기회에 발췌독 한자를 낱낱이 파보자 (역시나 ChatGPT의 지원을 받아)


발췌독 (拔萃讀: 책이나 글에서 필요한 부분만을 뽑아 읽는 것) by Google Search

  • 拔(발)는 '뽑다'라는 뜻을 가지며, 여기서는 '우수한 것을 뽑아내다'라는 의미로 사용
  • 萃(췌)는 '모이다'라는 뜻을 가지며, 여기서는 '모여서 가장 우수한 것을 뽑아내다'라는 의미로 사용
  • 讀(독)는 '읽다'라는 뜻을 가지며, 여기서는 '공부하다'라는 의미로 사용

즉, 발췌독(拔萃讀)은 '우수한 것을 뽑아내서 공부하는 것'이라는 의미 by ChatGPT


발췌독(拔萃讀)은 중국어에서 온 단어이므로 직접적인 영어 번역이 없습니다.

하지만 발췌독은 중국어권 지역에서 유명한 학문적인 용어로, 한국어로는 '발췌독(拔萃讀)', 영어로는 "Extracting the essence of a book" 또는 "Selective and intensive reading" 등으로 번역할 수 있습니다.


그래 나이먹고 다시 공부에 박차를 가해보자! 아자 아자 화이팅!


Midjourney로 타자 몇번에 얻어낸 그림



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