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정말 원어민 선생님을 수도없이 내 마음대로 불러 내올 수가 있게 된것이다.


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Is this expression grammatically correct? "Could you tell me more how to apply 'grit' in between parent and child relationship?"


The expression "could you tell me more how to apply 'grit' in between parent and child relationship?" is not grammatically correct.

Here are two possible ways to correct it:

  1. "Could you tell me more about how to apply 'grit' in the parent-child relationship?"

  2. "Could you tell me more about applying 'grit' in the relationship between parents and children?"

Both of these sentences are grammatically correct and convey the same meaning.


Is this expression grammatically correct "Can you summarize the book 'Grit' written by Duckworth with key points emphasizing with bullet points?"


The expression "Can you summarize the book 'Grit' written by Duckworth with key points emphasizing with bullet points?" is grammatically correct. However, you may want to make a slight modification to improve the clarity of the sentence. Here's one way you could rephrase it:

"Can you summarize the key points of the book 'Grit' by Duckworth, emphasizing them with bullet points?"

This sentence clarifies that you are asking for a summary of the key points of the book, rather than a summary of the entire book.


I'd rather have a summary of the entire book and emphasize key points using bullet points then how shall I ask in a correct english phrase?


You could ask the following:

"Could you please provide a summary of the book 'Grit' by Duckworth, including its key points and emphasizing them with bullet points?"

This sentence clearly states that you are looking for a summary of the entire book, including its key points, and that you would like those key points to be emphasized with bullet points.

The sentence "I'd rather have a summary of the entire book and emphasize key points using bullet points then how shall I ask in a correct English phrase?" is not grammatically correct.


Here is a corrected version of the sentence:


"I would prefer to receive a summary of the entire book, with key points emphasized using bullet points. Could you please provide guidance on how to ask for this in correct English?"


This sentence is grammatically correct and clearly communicates your request.


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